Christmas (2023) is over
Welcome to 2024 everyone! Now that the Advent calendar has disappeared, it's time to reveal the answers and announce the winners.
But first, some good news: with your help, the machine was fixed in time for Santa to deliver presents and Christmas was saved!

Now that the competition is over, the questions and all the answers can be found here.
Before announcing the winners, I'm going to go through some of my favourite puzzles from the calendar and a couple of other interesting bits and pieces.
My first highlight is the puzzle from 4 December. I like this puzzle, because at first it looks really difficult, and the size of the factorial involved is impossibly large,
but the way of solving it that I used essentially just ignores the factorial leading to a much easier question.
4 December
If is 1, 2, 4, or 6 then is an integer. The largest of these numbers is 6.
What is the largest possible value of for which is an integer?
My next pair of highlights are the puzzles from 6 and 7 December. I always enjoy a surprise appearance of the Fibonacci sequence, and a double enjoyed a
double appearance in two contexts that at first look completely different.
6 December
There are 5 ways to tile a 4×2 rectangle with 2×1 pieces:
How many ways are there to tile a 12×2 rectangle with 2×1 pieces?
7 December
There are 8 sets (including the empty set) that contain numbers from 1 to 4 that don't include any consecutive integers:
How many sets (including the empty set) are there that contain numbers from 1 to 14 that don't include any consecutive integers?
My next highlight is the puzzle from 13 December. I love a good crossnumber, and had a lot of fun making this small one up. (If you enjoyed this one, you should check out the
crossnumbers I write for Chalkdust.)
13 December
Today's number is given in this crossnumber. No number in the completed grid starts with 0.
My final highlight is the puzzle from 22 December. I enjoy that you can use one of the circle theorems to solve this, despite there being no circles directly involved in the question.
22 December
There are 4 ways to pick three vertices of a regular quadrilateral so that they form a right-angled triangle:
In another regular polygon with sides, there are 14620 ways to pick three vertices so that they form a right-angled triangle. What is ?
Hardest and easiest puzzles
Once you've entered 24 answers, the calendar checks these and tells you how many are correct. I logged the answers that were sent
for checking and have looked at these to see which puzzles were the most and least commonly incorrect. The bar chart below shows the total number
of incorrect attempts at each question.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 |
Day |
It looks like the hardest puzzles were on
23 and
12 December;
and the easiest puzzles were on
5, and
11 December.
Fixing the machine
To finish the Advent calendar, you were tasked with fixing the machine. The answers to all the puzzles were required to
be certain of which combination of parts were needed to fix the machine, but it was possible to reduce the number of options
to a small number and get lucky when trying these options. This graph shows how many people fixed the machine on each day:
15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 |
Day |
The winners
And finally (and maybe most importantly), on to the winners: 180 people managed to fix the machine. That's slightly fewer than last year:
2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 |
Year |
From the correct answers, the following 10 winners were selected:
- Matt Thomson
- Matthieu
- Steve Paget
- Millie
- Eleanor
- Alex Bolton
- Brennan Dolson
- UsrBinPRL
- Daniel Low
- Erik
Congratulations! Your prizes will be on their way shortly.
The prizes this year include 2023 Advent calendar T-shirts. If you didn't win one, but would like one of these, I've made them available to buy at alongside the T-shirts from previous years.
Additionally, well done to
100118220919, Aaron, Adam NH, Aidan Dodgson, AirWrek, Alan Buck, Alejandro Villarreal, Alek2ander, Alex, Alex Hartz, Allan Taylor, Andrew Roy, Andrew Thomson, Andrew Turner, Andy Ennaco, Ashley Jarvis, Austin Antoniou, Becky Russell, Ben, Ben Boxall, Ben Reiniger, Ben Tozer, Ben Weiss, Bill Russ, Bill Varcho, Blake, Bogdan, Brian Wellington, Carl Westerlund, Carmen, Carnes Family, Cathy Hooper, Chris Eagle, Chris Hellings, Colin Brockley, Connors of York, Corbin Groothuis, Dan Colestock, Dan May, Dan Rubery, Dan Swenson, Dan Whitman, Daphne, David and Ivy Walbert, David Ault, David Berardo, David Fox, David Kendel, David Mitchell, Deborah Tayler, Diane, Donald Anderson, Duncan S, Dylan Madisetti, Ean, Elise Raphael, Emelie, Emily Troyer, Emma, Eric, Eric Kolbusz, Ewan, Frank Kasell, Fred Verheul, Gabriella Pinter, Gareth McCaughan, Gary M, Gary M. Gerken, George Witty, Gert-Jan, Grant Mullins, Gregory Wheeler, Guillermo Heras Prieto, Heerpal Sahota, Helen, Herschel, Iris Lasthofer, Ivan Molotkov, Jack, Jack H, Jacob Y, James Chapman, Jan Z, Jay N, Jean-Sébastien Turcotte, Jen Sparks, Jenny Forsythe, Jessica Marsh, Jim Ashworth, Joe Gage, Johan, Jon Palin, Jonathan Chaffer, Jonathan Thiele, Jorge del Castillo Tierz, K Brooks, Kai, Karen Climis, Kevin Docherty, Kevin Fray, Kirsty Fish, Kristen Koenigs, lacop, Lazar Ilic, Lewis Dyer, Lisa Stambaugh, Lise Andreasen, Lizzie McLean, Louis, Magnus Eklund, Marco van der Park, Mark Fisher, Mark Stambaugh, Martijn O., Martin Harris, Martin Holtham, Mary Cave, Matthew Schulz, Max, Merrilyn, Mihai Zsisku, Mike Hands, Miles Lunger, Mr J Winfield, Nadine Chaurand, Naomi Bowler, Nathan Whiteoak, Nick C, Nick Keith, Niji Ranger, Pamela Docherty, Pierce R, Qaysed, Rashi, Ray Arndorfer, rea, Reuben Cheung, Riccardo Lani, Richard O, Rob Reynolds, Robby Brady, Roger Lipsett, Roni, Rosie Paterson, RunOnFoot, Ruth Franklin, Ryan Wise, Sage Robinson, Sam Dreilinger, Sarah, Scott, Sean Henderson, Seth Cohen, Shivanshi, Shreevatsa, Stephen Cappella, Steve Blay, TAS, Tehnuka, The Johnston Family, Tina, Tony Mann, Trent Marsh, tripleboleo, Valentin VĂLCIU, Vinny R, William Huang, Yasha, and Yuliya Nesterova,
who all also completed the Advent calendar but were too unlucky to win prizes this time or chose to not enter the prize draw.
See you all next December, when the Advent calendar will return.
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Comments in green were written by me. Comments in blue were not written by me.
⭐ top comment (2024-01-07) ⭐
In your solution for the 12th, I think there's still a little work to do: to check that the answer is the smallest integer that works. For that, because 241 is prime, you only have a handful of values to check.Ben Reiniger

(you've left the "drones" in at the beginning of the Winners section)
Ben Reiniger
On the 6th and 7th, there's also a direct bijection: in the tiling, horizontal tiles must occur in aligned pairs (else they split left/right into odd number of 1x1 blocks). Encode a tiling with the set of horizontal locations of the left ends of the horizontal-tile-pairs.
Ben Reiniger
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