
Contact me

If you want to discuss any of the content of this site or tell me about some cool maths, you should comment on a blog post (if there is a relevant one), mention me on Bluesky (@mscroggs), or Mastodon ( This way, other people will be able to see the comment and join the discussion.
Alternatively, you can email me at or you can reach me on IRC—I am mscroggs on Libera Chat.
If you want to reuse any of my content, please drop me an email, although I am probably happy for you to use anything I own as long as you link to me and do not make money from it.

Addressing me

The IPA pronunciation of my name is /ˈmæθ.ju: skrɒgs/: Matthew starts with "math" as in "mathematics" and rhymes with "few" or "shoe"; Scroggs starts like "scratch" and rhymes with "frogs". There's no need to refer to me as Dr Scroggs: I am happy to be referred to Matthew, Matt or Scroggs. My pronouns are he/him.


Scroggs.jpg (click for full size version)
If you want to use a picture of me for any reason, then you're free to use this one: Scroggs.jpg.
The image Scroggs.jpg is licensed for reuse under a Creative Commons CC BY-ND 4.0 license. This means that you can reuse an unedited version of this picture as long you attribute it.
As an attribution, you can simply include my name somewhere near the image. If you're already including my name because (for example) I'm doing a thing at an event you're running and you're using the picture near a description of me, then you don't need to add any additional attribution. I don't consider cropping or resizing the image to be editing it, so you're free to do that.
© Matthew Scroggs 2012–2025