Christmas card 2021
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Comments in green were written by me. Comments in blue were not written by me.
The only one I'm stuck on is #6. I thought I was doing it right but I'm getting a non-integer answer. I'm assuming the heptagon in question is aligned so one of its sides sits on the diameter of the semicircle, and the opposite vertex sits on the curved edge of the semicircle. Is this wrong?Seth C

The version of the card on this page doesn't check if your answers are correct, so it will colour in any number you enter as long as it has the right number of digits.
Wonky solution for #9? On a blank start page, answering "16" gives you red and white puzzle completions, yet we _know_ that 16 is an incorrect answer. Strange?
I think questions 11 and 12 could use some some clarification as to whether or not single-digit numbers should count.
@HJ: the smallest one does have 6, and Q4 is correct too. I bought the cards and had good fun solving it myself. I’m glad to find this here though to check my answers as when I did the shading it looked like the picture wasn’t quite right. Thanks for the cards Matthew, I look forward to next year’s - no pressure!
Questions 3 and 4 seem incorrect. The answer I get for question 3 as written has 8 digits, but the accepted answer has only 6. Similarly for question 4.
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