Christmas (2024) is coming!
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Comments in green were written by me. Comments in blue were not written by me.
I am so appreciative that you continue to make these puzzles every year. I think I started doing them in 2017 and always enjoy them. Thank you!Jessica

Thanks Scroggs - first time I've done this and very much enjoyed the days and also the meta-puzzling. Brilliant!!. If you run in future years I have one request for a tiny tweak - I find the numbers on the advent calendar for the days very small for my ageing eye-sight - any chance of a bigger font? And last suggestion - when it gets to the end, provide a link to your "buy me a cup of tea" page as this is more than worth a few £s :-). Thanks again :-)
@Seth Cohen: Thanks Seth, I solved it by looking at the 5×5 picture and thinking harder. Thanks to Matthew for another enjoyable set of puzzles. I look forward to reading the proper solution.
Had a great time doing this puzzles again this year! 23 was particularly fun :) Thanks for taking the time to make this!
Bill V.
I enjoyed working the advent puzzles. Thank you for providing such fun entertainment and math challenges! Attempted most without any programming help but some begged for a programming solution. Refreshed some former Python skills to happily solve a few puzzles. Looking forward to math solutions. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
Thanks for the great puzzles! It's nice to be reminded I haven't forgotten everything I learned in school.
James D
@Reza: I think he reworded it. As for how to solve it, I didn't find a formula or anything. I just basically used his 5x5 example and extrapolated it. It's much less complex than you think it'll be.
Seth Cohen
Could I have some help with puzzle 23. I don't see anything about a 3×3 block. How to arrive at a formula for the number of squares that need colouring?
Thank you so much for making these calendars each year - they've really become a part of our holiday routine, and I look forward to solving each puzzle in the quiet morning hours.
Another great calendar! Looking forward to the solution write-ups in the new year to see how all the puzzles I solved with Python were meant to be solved with pure mathematics :D
Such a treat, thanks for all the effort! I was flying solo this year after my usual puzzle wingman dropped out. Finite Group members kindly helped out.
I've just completed all the puzzles in the Advent calendar! My favourite puzzles were the fill in 1-9 ones.
Deborah Tayler
That was great fun again. Thans a lot for all the effort that went into creating these puzzles!
For Day 23: "so that every 9×9 block of squares in the grid contains" perhaps should read "so that every 3×3 block of 9 squares in the grid contains"
Dr. Matrix
@Seth Cohen: In response to my earlier comment, I solved it assuming it's correct as written, so I guess it's correct as written!
Seth Cohen
In today's (Dec 13) puzzle, one of the clues is "A multiple of 1." So...anything? Or is this supposed to be "A multiple of 1D"?
Seth Cohen
You have fixed the text here, but not on the advent calendar page.
Such a treat every year! Thanks for taking the time again.
Such a treat every year! Thanks for taking the time again.
Can't wait!
The last sentence of the first paragraph of the story seems to be missing a word, maybe "deliver the presents before Christmas is ruined"?
The last sentence of the first paragraph of the story seems to be missing a word, maybe "deliver the presents before Christmas is ruined"?
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