5 December
28 points are spaced equally around the circumference of a circle. There are 3276 ways to pick three of these points.
The three picked points can be connected to form a triangle. Today's number is the number of these triangles that are isosceles.
4 December
There are 5 ways to tile a 3×2 rectangle with 2×2 squares and 2×1 dominos.
Today's number is the number of ways to tile a 9×2 rectangle with 2×2 squares and 2×1 dominos.
3 December
Put the digits 1 to 9 (using each digit exactly once) in the boxes so that the sums are correct. The sums should be read left to right and top to bottom ignoring the usual order of operations. For example, 4+3×2 is 14, not 10.
Today's number is the largest number you can make with the digits in the red boxes.
+ | + | = 21 | |||
+ | × | × | |||
+ | + | = 10 | |||
+ | ÷ | × | |||
+ | + | = 14 | |||
= 21 | = 10 | = 14 |
2 December
You have 15 sticks of length 1cm, 2cm, ..., 15cm (one of each length). How many triangles can you make by picking three sticks and joining their ends?
Note: Three sticks (eg 1, 2 and 3) lying on top of each other does not count as a triangle.
Note: Rotations and reflections are counted as the same triangle.
1 December
If you write out the numbers from 1 to 1000 (inclusive), how many times will you write the digit 1?
Coloured weights
You have six weights. Two of them are red, two are blue, two are green. One weight of each colour is heavier than the other; the three heavy weights all weigh the same, and the three lighter weights also weigh the same.
Using a scale twice, can you split the weights into two sets by weight?
Not Roman numerals
The letters \(I\), \(V\) and \(X\) each represent a different digit from 1 to 9. If
$$VI\times X=VVV,$$
what are \(I\), \(V\) and \(X\)?
Advent 2018 logic puzzle
2018's Advent calendar ended with a logic puzzle: It's nearly Christmas and something terrible has happened: one of Santa's five helpers—Bob Luey, Jo Ranger, Meg Reeny, Kip Urples, and Fred Metcalfe—has stolen all the presents during the North Pole's annual Sevenstival. You need to find the culprit before Christmas is ruined for everyone.
Every year in late November, Santa is called away from the North Pole for a ten hour meeting in which a judgemental group of elders decide who has been good and who has been naughty. While Santa is away, it is traditional for his helpers celebrate Sevenstival.
Sevenstival gets in name from the requirement that every helper must take part in exactly seven activities during the celebration; this year's
available activities were billiards, curling, having lunch, solving maths puzzles, table tennis, skiing, chess, climbing and ice skating.
Each activity must be completed in one solid block: it is forbidden to spend some time doing an activity, take a break to do something else then return to the first activity.
This year's Sevenstival took place between 0:00 and 10:00 (North Pole standard time).
During this year's Sevenstival, one of Santa's helpers seven activities included stealing all the presents from Santa's workshop.
Santa's helpers have 24 pieces of information to give to you, but the culprit is going to lie about everything in an attempt to confuse you, so be careful who you trust.
Here are the clues:
Meg says: "Between 2:33 and curling, I played billiards with Jo."
Meg says: "Between 2:33 and curling, I played billiards with Jo."
Kip says: "The curling match lasted 323 mins."
Kip says: "The curling match lasted 323 mins."
Fred says: "In total, Jo and Meg spent 1 hour and 57 mins having lunch."
Fred says: "In total, Jo and Meg spent 1 hour and 57 mins having lunch."
Meg says: "A total of 691 mins were spent solving maths puzzles."
Meg says: "A total of 691 mins were spent solving maths puzzles."
Jo says: "I played table tennis with Fred and Meg for 2+8+5 mins."
Jo says: "I played table tennis with Fred and Meg for 2+8+5 mins."
Meg says: "1:32 was during my 83 min ski"
Meg says: "1:32 was during my 83 min ski"
Meg says: "The number of mins the curling game lasted is a factor of 969."
Meg says: "The number of mins the curling game lasted is a factor of 969."
Jo says: "I started skiing with Bob, and finished before Bob at 8:45."
Jo says: "I started skiing with Bob, and finished before Bob at 8:45."
Jo says: "At 4:45, Fred, Bob, Kip and I started a curling match."
Jo says: "At 4:45, Fred, Bob, Kip and I started a curling match."
Fred says: "I spent 135 mins playing chess with Meg."
Fred says: "I spent 135 mins playing chess with Meg."
Meg says: "Jo started skiing at 7:30."
Meg says: "Jo started skiing at 7:30."
Bob says: "I went for a 150 min ski."
Bob says: "I went for a 150 min ski."
Kip says: "Jo started skiing at 6:08."
Kip says: "Jo started skiing at 6:08."
Fred says: "Bob, Kip and I finished lunch at 3:30."
Fred says: "Bob, Kip and I finished lunch at 3:30."
Bob says: "I played billiards with Kip from 0:00 until 1:21."
Bob says: "I played billiards with Kip from 0:00 until 1:21."
Fred says: "Between 3:30 and 4:45, there were 3 people climbing."
Fred says: "Between 3:30 and 4:45, there were 3 people climbing."
Fred says: "In total, Bob, Meg and I spent 269 mins ice skating."
Fred says: "In total, Bob, Meg and I spent 269 mins ice skating."
Meg says: "Between 0:00 and 1:10, I was ice skating."
Meg says: "Between 0:00 and 1:10, I was ice skating."
Jo says: "At 1:12, Fred and I were both in the middle of maths puzzles."
Jo says: "At 1:12, Fred and I were both in the middle of maths puzzles."
Jo says: "Straight after curling, I had a 108 min game of chess with Kip."
Jo says: "Straight after curling, I had a 108 min game of chess with Kip."
Fred says: "At 2:52, I started having lunch with Bob and Kip."
Fred says: "At 2:52, I started having lunch with Bob and Kip."
Jo says: "I spent 153 mins solving maths puzzles."
Jo says: "I spent 153 mins solving maths puzzles."
Fred says: "I was solving maths puzzles for 172 mins."
Fred says: "I was solving maths puzzles for 172 mins."
Meg says: "I spent 108 mins solving maths puzzles with Bob."
Meg says: "I spent 108 mins solving maths puzzles with Bob."