13 December
Today's number is given in this crossnumber. No number in the completed grid starts with 0.
13 December
Today's number is given in this crossnumber. No number in the completed grid starts with 0.
13 December
Today's number is given in this crossnumber. The across clues are given as normal, but the down clues are given in a random order: you must work out
which clue goes with each down entry and solve the crossnumber to find today's number.
No number in the completed grid starts with 0.
16 December
Each clue in this crossnumber is formed of two parts connected by a logical connective:
and means that both parts are true;
nand means that at most one part is true;
or means that at least one part is true;
nor means that neither part is true;
xor means that exactly one part is true;
xnor means that either both parts are false or both parts are true.
No number starts with 0.
1A is a palindrome xnor 1D is a palindrome.
1A is greater than 350 nor 1D is less than 150.
3D is odd nand 4A and 2D are equal.
3D is prime xor 5A is odd.
4A is a cube and 2D is a cube.
The sum of the digits of 3D is 2 or the sum of the digits of 5A is 5.
Today's number is 1D.
16 December
Solve the crossnumber to find today's number. No number starts with 0.
13 December
Each clue in this crossnumber (except 5A) gives a property of that answer that is true of no other answer. For example: 7A is a multiple of 13; but 1A, 3A, 5A, 1D, 2D, 4D, and 6D are all not multiples of 13.
No number starts with 0.
Cryptic crossnumber #2
In this puzzle, the clues are written like clues from a cryptic crossword, but the answers are all numbers. You can download a printable pdf
of this puzzle here.
1 | 2 | |||
3 | ||||
4 | ||||
5 |
| Down
Cryptic crossnumber #1
In this puzzle, the clues are written like clues from a cryptic crossword, but the answers are all numbers. You can download a printable pdf of this puzzle here.
1 | 2 | |||
3 | 4 | |||
5 |
| Down