Advent calendar 2024
6 December
The number n has 55 digits. All of its digits are 9.
What is the sum of the digits of n3?
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We can look for a pattern as we increate the number of 9s that make up n:
n | n3 |
9 | 729 |
99 | 970299 |
999 | 997002999 |
999 | 999700029999 |
9999 | 999970000299999 |
If n has k digits, then n3 is
k-1 9s,
followed by a 7,
followed by k-1 0s,
followed by a 2,
followed by k 9s,
The sum of all these digits will by 18k.
Hence, the answer is 18×55 = 990.