Advent calendar 2023
21 December
There are 6 two-digit numbers whose digits are all 1, 2, or 3 and whose second digit onwards
are all less than or equal to the previous digit:
How many 20-digit numbers are there whose digits are all 1, 2, or 3 and whose second digit onwards
are all less than or equal to the previous digit?
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We can look at how many \(n\)-digit number there are for small values of \(n\) and look for a pattern:
- 1-digit numbers: there are 3.
- 2-digit numbers: there are 6.
- 3-digit numbers: there are 10.
- 4-digit numbers: there are 15.
These are the triangle numbers, and there are 231 20-digit numbers.
Why is the pattern the triangle numbers?