Advent calendar 2020
18 December
The expansion of \((x+y+z)^3\) is
$$x^3 + y^3 + z^3 + 3x^2y + 3x^2z + 3xy^2 + 3y^2z + 3xz^2 + 3yz^2 + 6xyz.$$
This has 10 terms.
Today's number is the number of terms in the expansion of \((x+y+z)^{26}\).
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In each term, the powers of \(x\), \(y\) and \(z\) must add to 26: the terms will be of the form \(x^iy^jz^{26-i-j}\).
If \(i=0\), there are 27 choices for \(j\) (0 to 26).
If \(i=1\), there are 26 choices for \(j\) (0 to 25).
If \(i=2\), there are 25 choices for \(j\) (0 to 24).
If \(i=26\), there is 1 choice for \(j\) (0).
Therefore the total number of terms is 27+26+25+...+1 = 378.