Welcome to mscroggs.co.uk
On this website, you can find my blog and a collection of puzzles.
You can also find details of my academic work and information about pop maths and outreach talks that I give.
You can use this handy tool to help you decide what to do first.
My most recent blog post is How to write a crossnumber.
Other highlights of the blog include:
If you're not sure where to start, you could try reading a random article or taking a suggestion from this handy tool.
New puzzles are posted on many Sundays, with answers posted on Monday.
The most recent collection is Advent calendar 2024.
Some of my favourite puzzles are:
Every December, I post an Advent calendar full of puzzles. You can view the puzzles from the 2024 calendar here.
Again, a random puzzle or a suggestion from this handy tool could be good places to start.
Who am I?
I am Matthew Scroggs. I like maths.
I am currently a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at University College London.
My academic work includes work on finite element methods and boundary element methods,
including development of the open source libraries
Bempp and FEniCSx.
You can find more about my work on the academic page.
I help to organise
King's Lynn MathsJam (monthly),
MathsJam Gathering (yearly), and
Electromagnetic Field (every two years).
I write the crossnumber (as Humbug), puzzles,
and articles for Chalkdust Magazine.
I help to run Clopen Mic Night and 24 Hour Maths, and
am a generator of Finite Group.
For more non-work related articles and talks, see the talks page.
If you would like to reuse any of my content, please
get in touch.
If you want to support this website's (and my) continued existence, you can:
- buy some badly designed merchandise at merch.mscroggs.co.uk
- support the Finite Group on Patreon
- buy me a cup of tea via Ko-Fi