TMiP 2021 puzzle hunt

Puzzle 3: The overlapping triangles

To solve this puzzle, you need to find a clue in (virtual) Edinburgh: \(C\) is the maximum capacity of the National Museum of Scotland, as shown on the sign outside it.

You draw three circles that all meet at a point:

You then draw two triangles. The smaller red triangle's vertices are the centres of the circles. The larger blue triangle's vertices are at the points on each circle diametrically opposite the point where all three circles meet:

The area of the smaller red triangle is \(C\).

What is the area of the larger blue triangle?

The answer to this puzzle is a four-digit number that scores 3 points.

Read the instructions for a reminder of what these points mean.

<< Go back to puzzle 2Continue to puzzle 4 >>

This puzzle hunt was written by the team behind Chalkdust, a magazine for the mathematically curious. Find out more by reading the copy of Chalkdust in your conference pack. Talk to us after solving the puzzles about how to get an article you've written printed in our next issue.     @chalkdustmag